Counseling Services

temperment counseling hutchinson kansas reno county

Temperament Counseling

Temperament Counseling is the discovery of what we desire and how we perceive life. Issues can include; immediate family, extended family, work, school, and social settings. Temperament is made up of these sections:

  1. Inclusion–social orientation and intellectual energies

  2. Control–our willingness to make decisions and to accept responsibility for self and/or others

  3. Affection–the need to express and receive love, affection and approval, the need for deep personal relationships

*helps with relationship building

family counseling reno county hutchinson Kansas

Family Counseling:

Families are complicated.  Each one is unique.  God created us to live in family structures.  We are the family of God.  Family counseling is designed to learn to listen to each other, understand roles within the family, and overcome feelings of hurt.   Family counseling is designed to create a loving, forgiving, joyful family.

  1. Focus groups

    1. Adoptive families

    2. Families with mental illness

    3. Families with children and learning disabilities

    4. Support Networking

*helps with strengthening family foundations

grief counseling hutchinson kansas reno county

Grief Counseling

Everyone grieves differently and at a different pace.  Grief counseling helps us walk closely with God and work through the pain involved with grieving.  Walking with God gives us perspective and the opportunity to find joy in the midst of our pain.

*helps with finding joy among pain

marriage counseling reno county hutchinson Kansas

Marriage Counseling:

Pre-marriage counseling for couples wanting to start their marriage walk together grounded in Christ. And marriage counseling is for couples who want to deepen their walk together.

*helps with becoming one


We offer Bal-A-Vis-X classes for people who struggle with anxiety and trauma. Bal-A-Vis-X is an effective tool for creating a rhythm by which a person can naturally calm themselves and relax. Bal-A-Vis-X utilizes balance, auditory, vision exercises through the use of bean bags and balls. Bal-A-Vis-X has been used for kids who struggle with learning disabilities, high anxiety, and other forms of trauma. Bal-A-Vis-X does not replace mental health services, but rather offers relaxation exercises.