The Hearts Behind the Mission

Annette Van Bruggen

I am a lady of many hats from Hutchinson, Kansas.  I am married to my husband John, and together we work to serve the Lord in all that we do.

I received my Bachelor’s Degree in Education from Sterling College, Kansas in 1995 and have since spent the last 27 years as a teacher and coach in public schools.  I enjoy pouring out the love of Jesus into the lives of my students and their parents. I received my Master's Degree in Pastoral Counseling from Jackson Theological Seminary and I am certified by the National Christian Counseling Association in the areas of Temperament, Grief and Family Counseling.

I have watched the the rise of mental illness in my students and experienced first hand in my family how mental illness can make you feel alone and outcasted in society. My desire is to professionally walk with similar families in a loving environment, listening to their struggles and encouraging each other to walk in the way of the Lord. Together we can be encouraged to serve Christ and to know that our identity is in Christ and we are a Child of God.

disclosure statement

John Van Bruggen

I am a builder, both physically and spiritually. I have owned and operated a timber-frame company since 1999 and have built frames all over the United States. I have discipled and led men, served as a pastor, and organized various religious events for the past ten years.

I believe that a perfect house has never been built. A perfect house is not attainable, but it is important for us as builders to always strive to make it perfect. In the striving process, lessons are learned, good habits are formed, and revelations are received.

Walking out our faith is no different. A perfect life is not attainable in a strictly moral sense, however, the striving to be perfect is about our lessons, habits, and revelations we receive while we practice God’s calling.


Toyla Frondorf

As a recent retiree, my husband and I both see retirement as an opportunity to serve God in another season of life. We have a great advantage because we are heirs and God has promised: “I will be your
God throughout your lifetime--until your hair is white with age. I made you, and I will care for you. I will carry you along and save you.” Isaiah 46:4 We are crazy excited about what the Lord has in store for us in this chapter. We feel blessed to have been a part of this Christ-centered ministry and we’re ready to serve however the Lord leads! Woo, let’s back that train.

My name is Toyla Frondorf, I met and married the love of my life Bo at Sterling College where I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology in 1984. We have three sons. I’ve spent all of my career working with people of all ages and I’ve loved almost every minute of it. I am a people junkie. I love people, young, old, and everything in between. I just cannot get enough of them. I want to get to know them, feed them, make them feel comfortable, and introduce them to my best friend Jesus if they don’t already know Him.

Meet me at the corner of creativity and culture! I love to create. I love to cook crazy, fun delicious foods that will make your taste buds dance, or for some, where vegetables are concerned produce a “fight or flight mode.” Art and music make me happy. I enjoy gardening, home décor, and reading. I have a passion for learning, and I actually enjoy creating stuff on the computer. Skills I plan to use in one way or another here at Mary Magdalene all while showing people Christ's love.